Great meeting? Then nothing happens? Here’s why.

Joe Lalley
7 min readNov 30, 2023

Momentum Makers, Breakers and Takers


Picture a meeting or workshop that felt like THE turning point. The energy levels, the enthusiasm, the breakthrough ideas were all there. You can’t wait for tomorrow to come so you can start bringing it all to life.

Tomorrow comes. Buuuut…. you have a pretty full day of meetings that were on the calendar for weeks... You figure, “No problem. We’ll start on all those breakthrough ideas tomorrow!” Then that tomorrow comes. Busy calendar. Then another. And another. Momentum is quickly fading.

Fast forward to a month later. Two months. Three. None of those breakthrough ideas have even been discussed. What were they again? Eh, they probably weren’t that great. And really, how would we do any of it? We’re soooo busy.

Why does this happen? This was the question I wanted to answer.

I’ve spent years designing and facilitating meetings and workshops. Even ones that received glowing feedback from participants didn’t necessarily translate to post-workshop momentum. Why? How could that be true even when everyone felt energized, excited, and confident about the outcomes? How could they possibly return to the same old daily grind that got them to the workshop in the first place?



Joe Lalley

Design Thinking, User Experience, Design Sprints, Remote Working